(Above) Lincon's "Big Present" was a "ride-on cart---of the "Little Einstien variety (one his Grandma thought particularly fitting *(I know--I admit---I am utterly biased.) He was off and running within minutes. This kid is as fearless as his Uncle Rhett....(Juls---get ready for some doctor and plastic surgeon bills in the near future....(I'm just warning you...)
After breaking in the "Rocket"--it was off to "Peter Piper Pizza" for some food and fun.
Lincoln and I waiting in the car for Momma and Krista (sp?) to pick up the birthday "cupcakes" and balloons" on the way to the pizza place.
entertainment How Barbaric!!"
Finally....we are on our way!!! Hey---What is that???? I LIKE that!!!
Yes!!!! Balloooooons!!!
Soooo....what the Crap is this??? Orange frosting on BLACK cake? Am I supposed to "eat" this?...Come on!!!??? How good could this possibly be???
if you insist....)
"k...I admit..it isn't "unbearable"...but what, exactly, are you looking at???"
Yeah! Driving with Kermit...
"What the ???"
Ok---We are ALL Done....
Ok---We are ALL Done....
(Can't believe he is walking like this already!!!)
Happy HAPPY first Birthday, Linckey Slinckey! I love you SO much! AND I am
SO glad I got to spend your birthday with you.
SO glad I got to spend your birthday with you.
Love, Grandma P
He really is a cutie. Glad you were able to spend his special day with him. His eyes remind me so much of Rhett.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I have to agree....he really is a cute (beautiful)baby (even if I weren't his Grandma, I would think so.)
ReplyDeleteI think you may be right---it just may be his eyes that captivate me so--because they are a lot like Rhett's (And maybe, mine,---when I was younger...(before the wrinkles set in...) I found, several years ago, a picture of myself in the 1st grade, and other than the red hair and the gender you could have superimposed Rhett's face and features for mine,(at the same age) and it would have been, very nearly---the same. (I have never forgotten that moment.--it was almost eerie....) (Genetics are such a strange thing---as you will find as you age...)
A lot of people say Lincoln gets his eyes from his dad, and that may be partly true---but the spirit that shines through them is pure "Hatch".:)
He really is such a cute little kid! Every time I see pictures of him I think so.