I will forever be grateful that was able to attend my Uncle Gary's Funeral in Taylor, on the 6th of August a week or so ago. I was fortunate enough to be in AZ the Sunday before he passed away and to have the privelege of telling him how much he meant to me and my family and to tell him how much we would ALL miss him. He was the closest thing that my kids had to a "Grandad Hatch" and they all adored him (---even though their time with him was limited by the distance between Utah and AZ--I think they never felt like strangers to him and JoAnn.)
In Gary---they came to learn a great deal about their own Grandad whom they had never really known. (Amber remembers him vaguely---but Julia was under 3 when we lost him, in April of 1983. Matt and Rhett were not yet born (although I was pregnant with Matt at the time of my dad's death.) I like then, as now, to picture my two sons walking and talking with my dad before they ever came here.
The Funeral was probably the most fun and entertaining funeral I have ever been to in my life, and I have no doubt that Gary would have wanted it "just that way." I am sure he was there laughing and giggling (eyes glistening all the while) at all the stories and tall tales that were told about his life and enjoyed every minute of it.
It was, most definitely a "celebration" of his amazingly full, fun and wonderful life and a great tribute to a great man. I will miss you, my "Uncle." I will miss the twinkle and mischief in your eyes when you are sharing a laugh or a joke I will miss the big hugs with which we were always greeted, and I will miss (seriously) the feeling of danger and imminent death---although we always knew that Gary, or more likely, Boyd or Dad would find a way out of the situation, and rescue us from the jaws of death just in time--(In this we had perfect trust, and who better to have that kind of trust in)...it was still scary and exhiliarating!!! I will never forget our wonderful and amazing "little" (And BIG) adventures with this amazing man and his equally amazing brothers. What a gift he was to all of us. I and my family will miss him terribly!
Some pictures: Sorry about the quality---(I was worried about the "Doggies Rolling Along" and forgot my camera at home...so all I had was my phone...
At the cemetary: (Those I can make out: (L-R) Cody & Chloe, Randa, Jennifer,Greg Jacobsen JoAnn, Myrtle Marie, Jean, Max Joyce, Boyd and Mom (Lyd
, saying goodbye to "Grandpa Gary"

Julia & Lincoln next to Grandad's headstone Apparently he and Gary have adjoining Condos....they should have a pretty amazing campsite or ranch house set up there by the time Mom and JoAnn get there. :)

Sadie saying goodbye:
Jill and Grandad's headstone"
Visitng with family and some of the Butlers:
(Marcie & Leanne)
JoAnn, Kathy, TJ, Joe ( and I don't now the rest)

What's left (Except Max who left earlier because of health reasons) 0f the people who gave me the most wonderful memories and childhood a person could ever ask for. Thank you, Thank you. We were the luckiest kids on the Mountain!!!

One last "little adventure" in the Yellow Truck"

The Trapper Hatch kids (and Mom) who loved their Uncle Gary,
almost as much as their dad. Thanks, Gary and JoAnn, for all the love, the patience and the amazing memories. We LOVE you!

(Lincoln's birthday to come tomorrow (or soon).)