Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Slinkey Linckey's visit to Grandma's (NaNa's in Lincoln Language)

Julia had to go to San Jose, CA for a wedding of a dear friend last weekend (she was "best man" (Tux and the whole thing.)) Instead of schlepping Lincoln along, (and knowing he would be miserable) she dropped him off here in Utah to stay with us for the 5 days she would be gone. Lucky us---we got to have him here and really get a chance to get to know this cute little guy.
We have decided, Julia and I, that he is going to grow up to be a comedian, because he laughs at everything and also thinks he's so funny (which much of the time, he is.)
He is 9 months old now, and pretty darn cute. (I know---I'm partial--but you gotta agree--they don't come much cuter!)
Ok--here are the pictures:

First night at Grandma's--so far, so good...(Got out the trusty blocks (best toys I ever bought---seriously..)(This is also pre-haircut---don't worry, I asked his mom first---he kinda had a sides-only mullet thing going, and the back was shorter---so I just evened it up ( I promise). (I hated to see the curls go too--but it looked much better after.) (And he looked so grown up, all of a sudden!!)
Oh Man---look at those eyes...This kid is gonna get away with murder---(especially with the girls...take heed, Juls.)Grandma's little Shopping Buddy...

Can you tell he's done this before? He likes to ride side-saddle, with his knee up on the seat and his arm draped over the divider..."Mr Laid-Back"...

Sunday Afternoon---waiting for Uncle Matty and Aunt Kelly-Dude to come pick me up to go to Grandpa's
(He looks much mellower than he actually was. He has been cutting teeth (his whole mouthful seems to be coming in at once.) He got 3 on the bottom last week, and this week (in Utah--his two eye teeth came through (He looks like a little vampire--strange for them to come in before the top front ones---but who knows--I suppose those are not far behind. David's mom said that his teeth came in the same way... Anyway--Sunday Morning, he was NOT a happy camper!
Sweet Smiley boy!
Grandma and her little mischief maker. (I love kids who are just "full of it". Mellow kids are wonderful, but not nearly as entertaining as ones like this (and Crewbie now that he has found some "attitude" haha!) Look at that little face!~Grandma and her Lincoln-Bug. I will miss you, cutie-pie. Thank you for coming to stay with us and spreading the joy. We love you. I had SO much fun with you! (I know Grandpa, Kaylene, Matt & Kelly did too.) (Thanks again, you guys, for helping watch him while I worked.)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Time with Crew-be-doo:

The past 3 weeks I have had a wonderful opportunity to get to know my two little grandsons who were born last year. I have spent so much time with Lily---we have a wonderful bond and we always will, I think--she is definitely one of a kind--but so often, when I took Lily to my house to stay it was to give her mom a break so she could get something done, since Crew was so calm and un-demanding. Consequentially, I didn't get to know Crew as well as I would have liked.
While Amber and Ryan went to Disneyland with Lily, Crew got to stay with Aunt Julie, and I went up every other night to give Julie and Doug a break and to spend some time with Crew before they moved to Las Vegas (last week).
It was so fun to get to know this sweet and amazing little boy. (He has so often been overshadowed by his sparkling older sister---) and yet, we have never 'not' known how special he is. Here are some pictures I took on the last day he was at Julie's.
Crew got a haircut from Cara, and after his bath, much to Julie's chagrin, I combed his hair into a faux-hawk.
When he got home, his mom couldn't figure out where he had gotten all this "attitude".
I told her, it was simple--he didn't have to share the attention with an "attention hog"(Lily) for a whole week...) For the first time he was the center of attention...and he found out he liked it a little bit.
Aside from all that---Crew is still the sweetest and cutest kid I have ever seen (a lot like his Uncle Matty at the same age.) I am so grateful I got to spend the time with him to get to know him better.

Hi Grandma! "Just let me hang on to your knee til I I get my bearings."
"Whatzup?"" I am the "Master" of all I survey! got a problem with that??"
"Happy Crewbie"...I miss you so much, my cute, sweet boy! (and I love you even more!) Please come see me soon!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kelly's Graduation

Our Kelly Graduated from UVU (first graduating class to graduate from Utah Valley UNIVERSITY) last week. She graduated in Mathematics Education and has been hired to teach full time at American Fork High School (after doing a full year internship there) for the coming year. We are proud of you Kelly! You are doing your part to add a great facet of depth (that of Mathematical ability) to the "Hatch" gene pool and we are very grateful for that! (haha). Nevertheless---we are so proud of you and we love you dearly! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Kelly and Parents:
Kelly and Siblings (and Matt):
Matt, Kelly Janet & Grandpa Palfreyman:
Way to go, Kel!!!