What an amazing thing it is it to have a child return to you after faithfully serving our Heavenly Father for two years...two years of completely and utterly dedicating their lives to the work of the Lord? I can tell you, having experienced it twice, now, that it is one of the most wonderful and precious experiences that you can ever have in a lifetime. It truly is.
August 4th 2008 was one of those amazing days for our family. Rhett returned after serving in the Monterrey Mexico, East Mission, since Aug 2, 2006. It was a long wait, but worth every minute, because we were blessed beyond meaure, as a family, and we also got to see Rhett grow in stature, from an amazing "boy" to amazing "young Man"...That is such a life-changing process to see and be a part of. We went through the very same thing with our Matt.
Now that he is home, we are all so grateful that he made it and was such an amazing missionary. We will miss the blessings that came with his service, but we are enjoying every minute that we have with him here at home, finally. He has made the transition amazingly well--of course, I would have expected nothing less--he is, after all--our Rhett...Great things are always expected of him and great things have always been delivered. (As it has been with all our children ( Dave's and mine)---he is just following the example he has been set, by his older siblings, after all...)
Rhett, we are so happy you are home, safe and sound and good, and we love you and missed you terribly while you were gone. (Strangely, enough--however, I miss having a "missionary" out there....I really do...but I wouldn 't trade it for having you back.)
Here are some pics:
The "Sun " returns:

Had to make sure it was really him!

Brothers and best friends...
Matt, I know, missed him SO much! (He found Kelly just in time!")

Amber and Rhett:

Dad finally gets to hug his son, again....a "Proud Father"moment.

The rest of the family who were there to greet Rhett--Ryan, Grandpa and Janet, Julie, Doug and Lloyd. (who have this to look forward to in a few months with Kirk... (So awesome). ...Rhett--meeting Crew for the first time and seeing Lily for the first time since she was 7 1/2 months old:
Rhett and Jimmy--best buds---separated for 2 1/2 years. (Thank you, Cami for taking these pictures for me. You are great!)

Back at home: